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Our shares are available at

Name of Bank Payment of subscribed share 10% service charge
Account Number Account Number
Awash Bank 01322120685100 01322120685101
Oromia Bank 1144170800001 1162725100001
Cooperative Bank 1000021726738 1000021726749
Berhan Bank 2200320001783 2500320121347
Siinqee Bank 1043845860112 1044349020116
Gadaa Bank 1000000291866 1000000291898
Commercial Bank of Ethiopia 1000304538507 1000304538906

Share Sales

Our company belongs to you. This reality is reflected by one of our motto “Together is better”. We are building community based company through creating equal opportunity to join our company as investors by buying company stocks/shares. You can buy our shares individually or institutionally. The minimum share to buy is 10(ten), while the maximum is 5000(five thousand). The money equivalence is 10,000(ten thousand) and 5,000,000(five million) with their 10% subscription fee of 1.000(one thousand) and 500.000(five hundred thousand) respectively. For instance, if you want to buy the minimum 10 shares, you are expected to pay 11.000(capital=10,000; Subscription 10%=1000) You can follow the following link to buy shares….